16 Calming Quotes for When You’re Feeling Stressed Out

Feeling stressed out lately? I’ve got some stressed out quotes to help you feel better!

Do you have a lot on your mind and a long list of things you need to do? Sometimes things just pile up in our lives and leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Maybe you’re in school, or you have a demanding job, or you’re a parent. Whatever it is that’s got you feeling stressed out, I want to help you stress less with some of the best quotes to feel calm and relaxed.

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How can stressed out quotes make us feel better?

Life can feel like it’s spiraling out of our control when we’re stressed. It’s a completely overwhelming feeling, and trust me- I get it! I created this blog, Lovely Holistic Living, as a place to help women create balanced and stress-free lives. So you’re in the right place!

Reading quotes when we’re feeling stressed out can be great reminders to stay calm. These little quotes can remind us that we are in control of our lives and we have the power to overcome whatever is thrown our way. It can be easy to forget that, and that’s why these stressed out quotes can serve as such great reminders.

These are some of the best stressed out quotes I’ve found on the internet, including a few I wrote myself, and I truly hope they help you to remember to stress less and feel better! You’ve got this!

Hover over any of the images below and hit “save” to pin to Pinterest for later!


stressed out quotes

I wrote this quote because sometimes when we’re stressed out, we feel like there isn’t a solution. We feel like things might not work out or that we won’t be able to move on from whatever is stressing us out. But how many things have you overcome in the past? I guarantee you’ve faced challenges and struggles in the past that you never thought you’d make it through. You will overcome this too!


quotes for when you're stressed out

It’s impossible to have it together 100% of the time! Nobody is perfect and we all deal with struggles. I love this quote because it’s such a great reminder that we are all human and that it’s ok to not be perfect. You’re going to have bad moments, bad days, and make mistakes. It’s all just part of life so don’t be so hard on yourself!

If you struggle with perfectionism, here are 5 useful steps to overcoming perfectionism.


inspiration quotes for when you're stressed

When we go through difficult, stressful times, we can forget that it won’t last forever. It’s so important to remember that difficult feelings will pass and we are never stuck in one place forever. Everything is temporary and you will make it through to the other side!


Stressed out quotes

I absolutely love this quote because so often, we think we need to be better than we are. We think we need to have more material things, have more money, be smarter, be healthier, etc. While those things are great and it’s ok to want more for yourself, focusing only on our desires can make us forget to simply live in the moment. You are enough just the way you are! Appreciate who you are right now, because this moment is really all we’ve got!


Quotes about overcoming stress

We get to choose whether or not something stresses us out. We may be in a stressful situation and it’s ok to feel stressed. But ultimately, it’s your choice if you allow that stress to take up space in your life. You can engage with it and let it run your life. OR you can ignore it and choose not to allow it into your space. It isn’t always easy but you get to choose how your react to things.


Quotes about stress and overwhelm

You don’t need to do everything on your own. It can be difficult to ask for help, but everyone needs help sometimes. I wrote this quote because we aren’t meant to live life alone and figure it all out on our own. There are so many smart and supportive people out there who can help. So open yourself up to learning and being supported by others when you need it. There is no shame in reaching out. In fact, asking for help in my opinion makes you even stronger!


Quotes to feel postive and stress free

I am such a huge advocate for self care and think it’s so important to listen to your body and do what’s best for you. You know yourself best and you know when you’ve reached you’re breaking point. If you need to take a break, take one. If you need to take some space or say no to someone, do that. Advocating for yourself build self esteem and helps you protect your time and energy.

quotes to stress less

I think a huge reason we experience stress in our lives is because we get overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done. When we’re looking at our long to-do list, it can feel impossible and we start thinking things like, “How in the world am I going to get all of that done?” But it’s so important to remember that we don’t have to have it all figured out right now. Just take baby steps, do one thing at a time, and you will figure it out as you go! Trust the process and trust the timing.


best quotes for stress

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could control everything? Unfortunately, that’s just not the reality and things are going to happen that feel unexpected and difficult. You might feel stressed out about problems that arise, fights you get into with people you love, or not achieving something you wanted to. While these situations may feel stressful, you have control over your reactions. The impulse might be to freak out and allow overwhelm to take over, but you have the ability to mindfully react.


How to stress less quotes

When we allow other people and situations to disturb our peace, we are giving them all the power! Reclaim your power by staying calm and allowing change to flow in and out of your life. Learning to let go of the outcome is difficult, especially if you attach yourself to your dreams, goals, and desires. But everything is going to come to you when and how it should. Don’t force things and instead, let things come and go. Embracing this flow in your life will help you feel calm and stress-free!


positive quotes to feel less overwhelmed

Will all the things you stress about really matter in the future? Sometimes looking at the long-term, bigger picture can help us realize how big or small our problems are. If it’s not going to matter in the future, there is no use worrying about it! In the moment, it may seem like a big deal, but you need to remember to look at the big picture!


happy quotes to feel more inner peace

I love the simplicity of this quote and think it’s incredibly important to be aware of what we allow into our lives. You are in control of what you spend your energy on. If it isn’t worth your time and energy, ignore it and don’t let it bother you. We don’t need to give our energy to everything and everyone that asks for it. Creating boundaries between you and stressful situations will really help you find inner peace and prevent burnout.


calming quotes for anxiety

Gratitude is such a powerful way to level up our mindset and stop feeling so stressed and overwhelmed. It’s easy to forget all of the wonderful people, opportunities, and things we’ve been given. Rather than focusing on everything you don’t have and feeling stressed about it, shift your focus to everything you do have. To get into the habit of practicing gratitude, try these free printable gratitude journal prompts!


feeling stressed out quotes

I have been writing for creative expression for years and am always amazed and how clear-headed I feel by doing it. Writing all of our troubling thoughts and feelings down can help us gain mental clarity, organize our thoughts, and feel less stressed. Try doing a brain dump to let it all flow out of you and on to paper! When in doubt, write it out!

quotes about feeling overwhelmed

You don’t need to pretend that everything is fine, even if you don’t feel fine. If you’re stressed or overwhelmed, talk to someone about it. Write it down. Accept your feelings and know that they are ok. Negative feelings are ok to feel and everyone struggles with them sometimes. There is such a stigma around negativity and mental health, but when you are authentic, it gives others permission to be authentic. Tell others how you’re really feeling and you’ll be amazed at how empowered you feel and how empowered you make others feel!


quotes about self love and compassion

Are you ever hard on yourself? Don’t be! You’re doing your best and it’s ok not to be perfect. Give yourself the same kind of kindness and compassion you’d give someone else that you love. We are often so hard on yourselves and hold ourselves to such a high standard. But nobody has it all, and it’s ok not to be where you want to be. So be gentle with yourself, and always try your best.

I really hope these stressed out quotes help you to stay calm and remember that you’re in control of your life. Pin any of these images to Pinterest to save for later by hovering over the image and clicking save. Please let me know which quote is your favorite in the comments below!