20 Affirmations to get into the energy of self love and worth

Looking to build up your self esteem and love yourself more with self love affirmations? You’ve come to the right place!

What are the benefits of self love affirmations?

  • Repeating self love affirmations are a great way to remind yourself just how amazing you are. When you say these affirmations over and over, you are training your subconscious brain to truly believe them.
  • Instead of turning to negative, self limiting thoughts, you can instead turn to self love affirmations. Doing this can help you feel more confident, happy, and raise your self esteem!
  • You’ll begin to find evidence that these affirmations are true. When you continously repeat something like, “I trust myself to make decisions and do what’s best for me”, you’re going to start noticing all of the reasons to believe this is true! It’s just how our brain is wired. When we think something often enough, our brains automatically start finding more and more reasons to believe it!

As a mindset coach, integrating empowering affirmations into my belief system has been SO transformative for both me and my clients.

While affirmations by themselves aren’t always enough to shift your beliefs, they can definitely help!

Pro tip: If you find yourself having a difficult time believing any of these affirmations, try starting with the phrase, “in the process of.” For example, if it feels hard for you to believe an affirmation like, “I am confident”, change it to “I am in the process of believing that I am confident.”

Don’t forget to sign up at the bottom to grab a downloadable list of my favorite empowering affirmations!

1. I believe in my abilities to do great things with my life.

2. I radiate confidence everywhere I go.

3. I am so proud of my accomplishments and the things I’ve overcome.

4. I trust myself to make decisions and do what feels best for me.

5. I forgive myself for making mistakes and being wrong at times.

6. I accept who I am and love myself.

7. I am smart and have great ideas that flow effortlessly out.

8. I believe in my power to go after my dreams and succeed.

9. Achieving my goals feels easy and exciting.

10. So many opportunities come my way and I have so much to be grateful for.

11. My body is strong, capable, and beautiful.

12. I am healthy and growing healthier every day.

13. I am generous, kind, and empathetic.

14. I believe I can make a difference in the world.

15. I live in alignment with my morals and values.

16. I am a positive person and love to spread positivity to others.

17. I am in control of my life every single day.

18. I embrace change even when it feels difficult.

19. I will never stop growing, learning, and trying my best.

20. I respect myself and am able to place boundaries and say “no” when I need to.

Which affirmation is your favorite? Don’t forget to repeat these anytime you need a little boost. You might be surprised to notice how quickly these affirmations turn into regular thoughts in your head to life you up and feel more positively about yourself. Sometimes we all just need a little reminder and positive mindset shift to feel better!

Grab my favorite empowering affirmations printable below!

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