16 Bed Time Affirmations +Free Printable

Repeating affirmations before bed can be such a great way to end your day on a positive note!

As a mindset coach, affirmations have been such a transformational tool that have helped both me and my clients go from negative thinking and anxiety —->>> to feeling the high-vibe energy of empowerment, worth, confidence, and self love.

If you’re ready to internalize some really powerful and positive beliefs… check out these affirmations and don’t forget to grab a FREE copy of my favorite empowering affirmations at the bottom of the page!

1. I am grateful for my day and everything I learned and experienced.

2. I am strong, brave, and beautiful.

3. Even if it doesn’t always seem like it, everything is always working in my favor.

4. Good things are going to start showing up in my life.

5. I work really hard and deserve all the success in the world.

6. I’m proud of all my efforts and accomplishments and am making a difference in the world.

7. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I’m ready for new possibilities.

8. I am loved and I love others.

9. My body is strong, relaxed, and healthy.

10. I hold the power to make changes in my life.

11. I give myself permission to take chances and make mistakes.

12. I am confident and courageous.

13. My thoughts and feelings are just temporary.

14. I am open and willing to learn, grow, and make necessary changes.

15. I’ve overcome every difficult situation in my life, and will continue to be an overcomer.

16. I will have a restful and relaxing sleep tonight.

Hover over the image below and hit “save” to pin on Pinterest for later!

bed time affirmations for self love and self care