9 Powerful Steps to Using the Law of Attraction

Ever since I learned of the law of attraction several years ago, I can honestly say it’s changed my life. Once I watched the movie, The Secret, I become obsessed with learning more about it and applying it in my own life. Since understanding the steps to using it, so many things have lined up in the most perfect, unexpected ways.

I’ve manifested people that I needed at the time, unexpected money, trips, and other experiences that made me feel like..

“Whoa. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.”

To give one quick example, I once spent an entire summer selling my whole family’s old clothes, shoes, & accessories on the app, Poshmark. After working really hard for months, I had earned $1,344. Three summers later, after years of dreaming of going to Italy, the timing was right and I was able to take the trip with one of my closest friends. We went on a tight budget and tracked every single thing we spent, down to the every gelato. A few months after the trip, I happened to be looking back on my Poshmark earnings from years before. I realized the amount I spent on the Italy trip was exactly the same as the money I had made, right down to the dollar! I had made $1,344 selling clothes, and then 3 summers later spent exactly $1,344 on my trip.

While this may seem like a coincidence to some, I think the law of attraction played a part in it. I had spent years visualizing a trip to Italy and knowing that somehow, someday it would happen. At the time of selling the clothes, I wasn’t saving up for the trip and that honestly wasn’t in my mind at all. It wasn’t until months later when I made the connection.

I believe when you truly want something, the universe conspires to make it happen. The universe is constantly working in your favor, whether you realize it or not.

But that doesn’t mean you can sit back on your couch and expect your dream life to pop up out of nowhere. I do think you still need to put in the work and take action if you want the law of attraction to work! I had to still book the trip and put in work to save money.

In order to make the law of attraction work for you, try using these 9 powerful steps.

1. Get in a positive state of mind

In order for your desire to be received by the universe, I definitely believe you need to be in a positive mindset. If you’re feeling low, heavy, and negative it’s not going to work. In order to raise my own energy, I find that listening to music, spending time outside in nature, and being around great friends and family can really help.

2. Determine what you want

What do you truly want to attract into your life? Maybe it’s a relationship, a certain job, a vacation, or money. Whatever it is, determine exactly what it is and why you want it.

3. Visualize it in Specific Detail

You need to imagine it in very specific detail. If it’s money, imagine the check. What color is it? What does the handwriting look like? What’s the exact number written on it? I’ve even heard of people printing out a fake check and hanging it on the wall next to their bed to look at every day.

4. Feel it happening every day

Not only do you need to be able to visualize it, you need to feel it! While I was manifesting a trip to Italy last year, I imagined how I was going to feel standing on the beach. I felt the breeze. Smelt the ocean air. Felt the sun on my skin and imagined feeling free and incredible. Feel it as if it’s happening right now!

5. Trust that it’s already yours

As you visualize it, trust that it’s already yours. Feel yourself believe it as if it’s really happening. Don’t let their be an ounce of doubt in your mind. It’s going to happen.

6. Express Gratitude

Feel gratitude for this thing that the universe has given you. Thank the world for giving you this thing that you really wanted. Don’t just say thank you, but actually feel it in every part of yourself.

7. Trust the Universe’s timing

Don’t force it and trust that the universe will give it to you at the best time, in the best way. It will come when it is meant to be yours.

9. Take Action when it feels right

Sometimes in order to receive what the universe is trying to give you, you need to take some action. Things aren’t always meant to show up in your lap. Sometimes you need to take action and take risks. If you’re trying to manifest your dream house, you can’t necessarily expect it to look up and just see it in front of your eyes.

You might need to look at different websites, talk to people about the house you’re looking for, or drive around and explore different neighborhoods. Whatever your action is, follow your intuition and trust your gut.

8. Remain positive

Whenever you think of attracting something with the law of attraction, remain positive. Affirmations can be really helpful in staying positive. Repeating positive affirmations can be really helpful. A couple affirmations I like are, “Each day the universe is working in my favor” and “good things are coming into my life every day.”

The law of attraction can be truly amazing and in order to make it work for you, try these 9 steps. I’d love to know if you’ve had any experiences with the law of attraction. Do you believe in the law of attraction? Let me know in the comments below!

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9 powerful steps to using the law of attraction to attract your dream life. How to use law of attraction.