15 Things to Do Before Bed to Relax and Unwind

Looking to unwind and relax before bed? If you’ve had a long or stressful day, there’s nothing better than relaxing and indulging in some healthy habits. It can be hard to “turn off” and stop thinking about all the things you need to do, but it’s so important to find ways to unwind, so you can let yourself rest.

Without time for self care and relaxation, it becomes easy to feel burnt out, exhausted, and overwhelmed. It can be hard to fall asleep and stay asleep, and you might feel like you’re constantly running even when your tank feels empty. Who wants to feel like that?!

That’s why I created this list of 15 things to do before bed to relax and unwind. Although realistically I can’t do all of these every single night, I like to try and do as many as I can. Even when my to-do list is a mile long and my brain feels like it’s on overdrive, it feels good to know I’m taking care of myself and prioritizing my sleep!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Organize and Pick Up

Take 10 or 15 minutes to pick up your space before bed. Personally, I feel a strong connection between my mental health and the space I’m living in. If my room feels clean and organized, my mind feels that way too. And if I’m surrounded by clutter and disorganization, my mind will feel that way too!

If it’s time to declutter your space, ask yourself these decluttering questions to figure out what feels important to keep, and what feels important to toss!

2. Have a warm drink

A warm drink, like tea, can feel really soothing before bed. It can help you digest your dinner, clear your mind, and help you slow down. I love drinking peppermint tea, but chamomile and lavender are really good options for bed time.

3. Reflect on your day and express gratitude

Sometimes our days go by so fast that we don’t get a chance to fully process them. How was your day? What good things happened? What bad things happened? What choices did you make? Take the time before bed to reflect on your day and express gratitude for all of the opportunities and positivity in your day. Grab some awesome free gratitude journal worksheets here!

4. Visualize & Set an Intention for Next Day

Visualization can be so powerful in attracting our goals and dreams. What kind of woman do you want to be? What kind of goals and dreams do you want to achieve? What kind of life would you love to have for yourself? Having a clear vision of what we want helps us be more intentional about our life.

Busy week? You've got this!

5. Listen to calming music

I’m honestly obsessed with the power of music to help you feel relaxed, calm, and in a positive mindset. Grab yourself a mini speaker and unwind with your favorite songs.

6. Read a book

Cuddle up in some cozy pajamas and read a chapter from a good book to relax before bed! If you’re interested in simple living and minimalism, check out these books. And if you’re interested in attracting your dreams, check out these best books on the law of attraction!

7. Light a candle and set a relaxing mood

There’s nothing like lighting a candle, or turning on some pretty little lights to set a calming vibe. I also love turning on my himalayan salt lamp, to cleanse the air and help me relax before bed. The pink/orange glow is so calming!

8. Check your planner and calendar

It’s always a good idea to check your planner and calendar real quick before bed! That way, you know what to expect for the next day and if you need to do anything to prepare, you can.

9. Stretch and do light yoga

This can be especially beneficial if you were sitting at a desk all day or didn’t get to move your body very much. Stretching and doing some light yoga before bed can loosen and relax tight muscles, making it easier to fall asleep.

10. Wash & moisturize face

Washing and moisturizing is a must, especially if you wear makeup. It’ll prevent breakouts and keep your skin smooth, soft, and hydrated!

11. Take a warm bath or shower

Warm water is another great way to soothe and loosen tight muscles. I also just love that clean feeling of stepping out of the shower and putting cozy pajamas on, don’t you?

12. Prepare food for tomorrow

Get ahead by preparing a meal or some healthy snacks for tomorrow! I feel like I always feel more relaxed and sleep better if I feel accomplished and productive.

13. Layout clothes for tomorrow

Another way to get ahead is choosing your outfit and laying it out before going to sleep. This can save you a bit of time and energy in the morning!

14. Go to bed at a good time and set alarm

Commit to going to sleep at a time that feels right for you! Some people are night people and some people are morning people. Whichever one you are, listen to your body and get the amount of sleep that you need.

15. Spend quality time with your S/O, pets, kids, etc.

Relax before bed by spending quality time with your pets or others in your home. Chat about your day, get some snuggles, or play a game together.

I really hope you find these things to do before bed helpful! Even if you commonly feel stressed and overwhelmed, these ideas can help you feel relaxed and calm, so you can get the best sleep possible. What’s your favorite thing to do before bed? Let me know in the comments below!